
November Already?

Welcome to November! How is this year already winding down? I know that we have some of the busiest times on the calendar coming up, but I feel like if I blink, I’ll miss it. Even in the midst of all that the world is throwing at us, I’m so amazed that we get to enjoy the Advent and Holiday Season. Seeing the Christmas traditions, through our Grandson’s eyes are such a blessing! Have you got your tree up?

I have been creating a new series, the past couple of months - My Cross Blox Series! My husband, Steve, cuts the wood down for me and I sand, prime each 6” premium pine wood block. I then use modeling paste to sculpt a truly unique cross onto the wood. After drying, I then go back with a paint wash, and start the layers that will make each piece of wood it’s own artwork. It’s time consuming, but the process is just the peace I need. I have so enjoyed this! I love that so many have already made it out into the world! Can you tell that I’m excited about it? ;) And I even made a floral one-Soooo pretty! I’ll be creating more this year, so please keep an eye out to add one of these truly special pieces to your collection.

The process of creating is truly therapeutic for me, from start to finish. I’m not one to sketch too much out to start a new piece. I tend to see it bouncing around in my mind and just ask God to help me recreate it in paint. So much of my inspiration lately has been the beautiful colors surrounding us, up here in the Great Smokies. But, it’s been with the stark reminder of the fragility of our human lives, as well. Hurricane Helene has changed not just the topography of our region forever, but families and complete towns and cities. The loss of life has been truly tragic. Our neighbors are all trying to find their “new normal”. While we are fine on our hill, our local downtown flooded and surrounding areas have been greatly affected. It’s been wonderful to see the outpouring of help and care from stranger to stranger and the relationships that are being created. Looking for God’s gracious plan in the midst of the suffering has always resulted in a hard look at my faith. Relying on Christ’s provision. The realization that everything in creation is in a state of flux, and that time never stops, is a bit mind boggling to me. I’m forever thankful for a Savior that doesn’t change.

Upcoming Art:

Christmas Artwork Collection 2024 - 4 original scenes from years past- all FREE Shipping -$50 These are offered for purchase only thru December.

Christmas Card Collection - 8 cards, 2 of each scene - $30 Very Limited Quantity -FREE Local Delivery, please add $5 shipping. Please contact me for pre orders, as these aren’t available until 11/8 in the online shop. Click below to visit!

I’m continuing to navigate new hiccups to my health, and changing what I can. Just like millions of others out there. The cliche, “Be kind, you never know the battle someone is fighting”, is a cliche for a reason. It is soooo true! And yes, I know it could be worse. And I’m incredibly grateful that it isn’t. In this season of Thanksgiving, having a joyful heart is the BEST medicine for me. I’ve been questioning how best to share joy and encouragement, with the freedom that Christ gives, all the while keeping a balance in my life. I’m still figuring that out. But, I’m incredibly grateful that you are here for the ride. I don’t know what the future holds for my lil blog, as I strive to bring the glory to God through my words and art. But, I shall try. As always, if you want to speak more about any of my continuing health journey, please let me know and I’ll be happy to share or write it up as the next blog post.

I’ll wrap it up with these few words….in the midst of this messy, critical yet beautiful world, creativity can be truly, a Godsend. Art can pull you out of the everyday, just enough to fill you up, so you can go back in and persevere. And by the way, life isn’t a competition-God has given you a way, trust Him.

Yours Truly,
